About the Journal

Focus and Scope

JIRAE is a peer-reviewed international journal providing a medium for the academic and industrial community to share cutting-edge research and development in various aspects of industrial technology and applied engineering. The three-pronged objectives are:

  • To encourage research work in the field of industrial technology and applied engineering among scientists, researchers, engineering practitioners, and industrial experts to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and generate high-quality products / services;
  • To promote the adoption and development of comprehensive and state-of-the-art technologies for enterprises and industries;
  • To bridge the theoretical and practical gap between academia and industry, and advocate collaboration to address enterprise and industry challenges.
JIRAE welcomes papers with the above aims and scopes. The editorial board decides papers to be published in JIRAE after review by reviewers appointed by the board. Authors will be advised of reviewers' comments and suggestions. Papers previously presented in a conference not specifically associated with Petra Christian University Publication will be considered.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are reviewed by single-blind reviewers consisting of an editor and members of the International Editorial Board or qualified outside/external reviewers. This is done within the shortest given time. The journal, above all, strives to return  reviewers’ comments to authors within 3 weeks. The International Editorial Board re-review manuscripts that are accepted until they are revised.

Publication Frequency

JIRAE covering the broad topics related to Industrial Engineering, Technology, Science and Applications. JIRAE is published biannually, in April and October.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Charges

JIRAE does NOT apply any Article Processing Charges (APC) or Article Submission Charges.

National Archiving

JIRAE is archived on Pusat Data dan Informasi Ilmiah (PDII) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) - Republic of Indonesia.